Tool Troubleshooting

Table Saw (with and without crosscut sled)

Table Saw Quick Troubleshooting Guide

  1. Check that the saw is switched to “on”

  2. Check the saw is plugged in to the socket

  1. Check to make sure the light is green and good to go, if lights are:

    1. Solid red: cartridge needs replacing

    2. Quick flashing both red and green: turn off to reset

    3. Slow red blinks: turn cartridge key to on

    4. Solid red, fast flashing green: no blade rotation (grab a CM)

    5. Slow green blinks, solid red: adjust break cartridge position

    6. Solid green, quick red flashes: contact detected during standby, wait to finish before starting saw

    7. Slow green blinks, quick red flashes: contact detected during bypass

    8. Quick red flashes: overload due to wet wood

  1. Check if the breaker the socket is on isn’t tripped (WoodLab panel by Short Term Storage #13 for smaller saw, #5-7 for table saw with crosscut sled)

  2. If blade has disappeared during your cut and made a large “bang!”, you have triggered the SawStop emergency system. Please report this to the front desk immediately.

  3. If cutting through larger sections of hardwood and you experience the blade slowing down, not cutting correctly, becoming jammed up and stopping: please stop cutting immediately and come get a ripping blade from the front desk.